The Cloud Lands Saga – an Exciting Fantasy Series

The Cloud Lands Saga is a series of stories set in two large continents of a mystical fantasy world, focusing on the adventures of Dorelle, a dragonrider.

The World of the Cloud Lands

Map of the Cloud Lands Saga

Map of Dorelle’s World

The Southern Continent is dominated by two realms, the Western Kingdom and the Carmine Empire. The border between them runs through the large mountain chain in the middle of the continent.

The Northern Continent is the home of the Cloud Lands. It is an unknown land in Dorelle’s home, and is featured in Dorelle’s Journey for the first time.

The story returns there again and again, however, in the course of time. Eventually, the Cloud Lands become the focus of competing interests of the Western Kingdom and the Carmine Empire.

Dorelle’s Heritage

Dorelle is a dragonrider, and thus, the stories are much more about dragons than the political struggles between all three countries.

In the Western Kingdom, most dragons are treated like mildly intelligent animals, bred, trained, and used as couriers and fighters in warfare. Dorelle is one of the few dragonriders who appreciates her dragon’s intelligence and who loves her Mashira more than her career, her life or her oath to her King.

And so her adventures begin in the book “Dorelle’s Journey” and continue in the other books of the novella series. In those books, you’ll also meet Prince Orlen, King Elsen, Debesh, deadly Kraken, several more dragons, and the main villain, Wing Commander Ferren.

What People Say about the Series

“Loved the whole series. If you’re already a fantasy fan or looking to put a toe into this water, go for it. (You may want to count your toes later…)”

Read the whole review here: The Cloud Lands Saga, complete: Fasten your seatbelts!

All Books in the Series

All links will take you to a list where you can choose your preferred vendor, and they will open in a new window so you won’t lose this one.

Book 1: Dorelle’s Journey
Book 2: Kraken War
Book 3: Dragon Court
Book 4: Betrayal

Short story: Borderline

More to Come

I have started a new series set in this world, set centuries earlier. Read more about the first book in that series here:

Dragon Prey, Book 1 of The Cloud Lands Beginnings

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