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Tag Archives: Magic
The King’s Swordsman, an awesome series by Becky James
The King’s Swordsman is a fascinating saga by Becky James, one of my author friends. And right now, she’s getting ready to publish Book 3 in it, The Limit of the Lonely Man. Release date is June 9th. I’m sharing … Continue reading
Some Thoughts About Magic
As you know, I write fantasy. Which, of course, often contains magic. (Yes, there is magic in The Cloud Lands Saga. It’s just not very obvious.) And I have argued often with other writers who insisted that I had to … Continue reading
Flash Friday: Perfect Murder
The mud moved, heaved and bubbled. Parts of it solidified, grew, rose from the murky depth. Round bulbs elongated, turned into a head, and arms. The creature rose further, stretched into the air and finally stood on its own two … Continue reading
Flash Friday: Gryphon Harvest
(Yep, it’s Saturday. These things happen. Posting a story anyway.) It was hot in the steppe. High buttes reached up to the sky, dotting the steppe. Selina had come to climb up to the top of one. Only here did … Continue reading
Flash Friday: Mage Wars
I couldn’t believe my eyes when Mom threw our bedding into the big wagon, while Dad hitched the horses to it in great haste. “But… but it’s summer. We don’t travel in summer.” I gestured towards the fields. “We do … Continue reading
Flash Friday: The Winner takes All
This final duel would determine who would become archmage of Tsaranval. Both Saniral and Ysanna had proven their might as mages, but only one of them could rule this realm. Saniral won the draw of first strike. Ysanna simply smoothed … Continue reading
Flash Friday: The Reward
Okay. I’m late. So what, I’m still going to let you have some Flash fun. And I bet in a week or two, it no longer matters. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Reward The last enemy fell, slain by the swift sword of … Continue reading
Flash Friday: The Visitor
There was one ingredient left: the Eastern spices that would make this batch of cookies very special indeed. I carefully sprinkled them over the dough, then kneaded the mass one more time, muttering the words of a baking spell to … Continue reading
Trade in Lar Elien
I’ve been pondering how trade works in the world of Lar Elien. Most of the princedoms are quite self-sufficient, with people producing their own food and daily necessities basically near the home. They have their cattle and fields, people ply … Continue reading
Magic in Lar Elien
Magic is probably the one ingredient that is integral to fantasy. And of course, there are as many magical systems as there are authors of fantasy. That is a good thing. Now, magic is not prominent in my Lar Elien … Continue reading