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Tag Archives: fantasy
The 52-hertz-whale
I’m quite excited about finding an article about this whale on Wikipedia. Because this fellow is the inspiration for Pu’ukani’s Song. I don’t remember where I first read about him. Basically, they call him the loneliest whale in the world. … Continue reading
Winter Baby
Here I give you my new flash fiction tale, Winter Baby. Never mind the cryptic list at the top, that’s for the anthology we’re building. In fact, you can follow the link at the bottom to read more of the … Continue reading
Call for Antagonists
I readily admit it: I have a hard time scheming. I am not a girl for intrigue. I could never hurt someone intentionally. And that makes it a bit more difficult for me to develop a credible antagonist. Yet the … Continue reading
Posted in English
Tagged antagonist, character, dragons, fantasy, heroes, worldbuilding
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Medieval Life … Includes Roundworm
As you all know, I write predominately fantasy. What you may not know is that I actually studied archaeology for a couple of years. So I have a good idea of how life really was back in those middle ages … Continue reading
Posted in English, Writing
Tagged archaeology, fantasy, medieval, parasites, Richard III, worldbuilding
Finding Names
A friend asked me yesterday how I go about finding names for my characters. The answer isn’t easy, because it depends … the names have to fit, somehow. There is one novel where I still haven’t found the right name … Continue reading
Heute hat mich eine Freundin gefragt, wie ich eigentlich die Namen finde, die ich in meinen Geschichten verwende. Die Antwort ist nicht einfach, denn das kommt darauf an … die Namen müssen irgendwie passen. Ich habe einen Roman geschrieben, wo … Continue reading
Pferde in Romanen
Diesmal waren es meine müden Knochen, die mich inspiriert haben. (Und ich muss mich dafür entschuldigen, dass ich heute erst die deutsche Version erstelle, mir haben genau diese Knochen gestern einen Streich gespielt.) Müde Knochen und Muskelkater sind in der … Continue reading
Horses in Fantasy
I admit, today it’s my weary bones that inspire me. That’s the usual aftermath of one hour spent on horseback, working hard on making the horse do what I want it to do. (I ride English style, for those in … Continue reading
Some Thoughts about Time
Saturday morning, I was lying in bed, gradually waking up and not quite wanting to, when I heard the town hall tower clock chime. This clock strikes every quarter hour, but only counts the hour itself on the full hour, … Continue reading
Die Sache mit der Zeit
Heute morgen lag ich dösend im Bett und hörte den Glockenschlag des Kieler Rathausturms. Man muss dabei wissen, dass er jede Viertelstunde schlägt, aber nur zur vollen Stunde auch alle Stunden durch”zählt”. Ich hörte nur drei dunkle Schläge und wusste, … Continue reading