July 2024 Progress Report

Illustration for the July 2024 progress report. 

It's a screenshot from the game Valheim, showing a fortress we built in preparation for the big boss fight in the Mountains.

Another Valheim pic for this progress report, of course. It shows a fortress my friend and I have constructed in the Mountains, in preparation for a big fight. In fact, we’re planning that for this very weekend when I’m writing this.

To me, it’s quite illustrative of my own progress this month. I have conquered my own monster already – finishing, editing, formatting and then, finally, releasing Sun Burns. More on that below.

Writing Progress Report

Writing is still going very slowly. In fact, I spent most of the last week not writing, and editing Sun instead. I did dive into the new Wolf story that I want to publish next, a Wolf’s Hacker.

And in fall, I want to focus on Penumbra. Maybe you remember me talking about a vampire series set in the near future. Would be fun to publish it around the US elections, since the outcome does impact my timeline somewhat. Still, I can make it work either way. Fun times.

Here’s something very new, though: I joined the Archive of Our Own (AO3 in short). And I’m slowly posting a Joanna Steenen story (spicy shifters with portals) I wrote and never found the right mindset to finish. I’ll add an extra paragraph with a link further below.

Winds and Pillars Progress Report

Big news for this month: Sun Burns is out!

I already updated my Winds and Pillars page here on the website, with all the links to the stores – so head over there if you want to grab it.

I promise all the adventure, some slow burn romance and a peek at a region on the continent no other Wind or Pillar has seen before. And Sun stumbles on an old, old secret (very cool, even if I wrote it).

Honestly, I’m so glad I finally managed to finish this book. It’s been two years since I started the whole Winds and Pillars series, and it’s been quite a ride. (It’ll also take me at least another year to finish the final two books.)

Next up is Moon, and I already know her a little (she has a cameo in Sun Burns). I also know where she’ll go and who she’ll meet. Good stuff, I promise. However, I won’t get to write her until the end of this year.

Oh! I also have a new little video out on YouTube, on the channel of Katherine D. Graham. I’m talking a little about South Breaks and read Chapter 1 and parts of Chapter 3.

Live Reading By SPFBOX Author Hannah Steenbock: ‘South Breaks’

Wolves Progress Report

Yes, I’m back to writing Wolves, and already putting words into “A Wolf’s Hacker”. The main characters are Shane (who you might remember from “A Wolf’s Peril”) and Dylan, an accomplished hacker who gets into trouble.

Poor Shane is wallowing in guilt over what he did to shifters, made worse by the fact that he is a wolf now. When Dylan needs help, he jumps at the chance to redeem himself… not knowing how high the price will be.

It’s fun, but the book is still in the early stages (although I have the main plot figured out). I’ll do my best to write faster than I have, but… there’s also a lot of other stuff on my mind and to-do list. I hope I can publish it in fall.

Penumbra Progress Report

Penumbra Progress Report - Cover of the first book in the series.

Penumbra is back on the list! I want to write Lion’s Battle as soon as I can finish Wolves #8, while hoping I can also publish it this fall. (Let’s be honest. Probably won’t happen. But I want to!)

It’s great fun speculating about the near future of our world, especially considering the disruptions ahead. (Well, those aren’t going to be fun to live through, but you know what I mean.) I have plans for the US, Europe, Russia, Asia and possibly South America.

Going to share the cover, just so you get the sense of excitement I have. (Yes, it’s partially AI-generated, by a cover designer.) I really, really want to write Leander’s story. And yes, I know why his hair is white.

Valheim Progress Report

I shared our fortress above – we’re almost ready for the big Moder fight. Moder is the mother of all Drakes – a huge frost wyvern. And killing her is the key to progress with the next biome, the Plains. Moder drops material we’ll need to build the next level of tech infrastructure.

Sadly, I’m more and more convinced that playing Valheim solo is hard and maybe impossible. My poor Twink also has to fight Moder and being alone, she has much more trouble with the stone golems in the region. She needs a harpoon to drag them into pits, and both the gathering of material for the harpoon as well as actually using it on a stone golem is much easier when having at least one companion.

I have not been able to invite anyone to my server for help, though. Something in the settings somewhere.

Life Progress Report

I’m pulling out of the pit of depression and autistic burnout. Life is getting easier. I do a lot of positive self-talk, I am doing my best to worry less and take things easy wherever I can.

Even so, quite a few things are coming up. In good stuff, my sister will spend a few days with me, and then I have another few days off. Very much looking forward to that.

Sadly, there is also admin stuff looming with a very firm deadline at the end of August, and I really need to start moving on that. I’m planning to take it in many small steps to avoid sliding back into burnout. (Who am I kidding? I’m not good at long turn planning and many small steps. Maybe I can learn?)

At least it’s summer, and here in Germany that means pleasant temperatures, reading on the balcony, and lots of light and sunshine (you have no idea how loooong days are here in summer). It really is my favorite season of the year, because those are the few months when I’m not constantly cold.

Ember Progress Report

Ember is actually dealing with quite a big problem: Her friend Spark has lost his fire. Together, we’re trying to get it back for him, but so far, nothing has worked.

Oh, you want to read those stories? Well, you have to sign up to my newsletter, I only share them through there.

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About Hannah Steenbock

Hannah Steenbock is an author, dreamer, and coach. She has published several short stories in English and German, as well as one novel in German. In 2013 she started self-publishing her work. In 2014, she has won two awards for her short story "Sequoia".
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