Ember Alert! – Get my fun Newsletter every 13th of the Month

Ember Alert Newsletter

Ember Alert! is the monthly Ember newsletter in your inbox!

Meet Ember, my little dragon friend. Oh, she may look like a plushie, but she’s a real dragon teenager with a mind of her own. She loves to zip through the air wherever we go, and that does not always end well. Every month, she’ll share one of her adventures.

Of course, there will also be more fun stuff, like book recommendations, news from Hannah and her books, and special deals on books that fit your tastes.

The newsletter goes out on every 13th of the month – Ember loves that number, and she gets to choose.

Ember Alert! Sign-up Gift – Prince Elsen’s Ride

Now, this is Ember’s favorite story, and she doesn’t even want to share it. I managed to persuade her, because she’s not giving away her copy when you grab yours. It’s something she finds very hard to understand.

Newsletter sign-up gift. Get the Ember Alert!

Anyway, this tale is about an adventure King Elsen had when he wasn’t a king yet. In fact, in this story, he’s just a young prince, annoyed by his mother’s overprotective ways, rebelling like every teenager everywhere.

He is looking forward to a rare weekend off and away from the palace, spending it with his friend Gerrick and his dragon Fingin.

What could go wrong?

Plenty, of course.

(This is an exclusive ebook, unavailable anywhere else.)

Fill in the form below and hit submit to get the ebook and every future Ember Alert!

Now, after you sign up, you will receive a confirmation email from me (and EmailOctopus which is the service I use and trust!) with a link you have to click – this is for your own safety. That way, nobody can sign you up against your own will.

First, I’ll tell you a bit about myself in an email or two, but trust me, that ebook is also coming to your inbox.

If you don’t receive my email, check your junk and spam folders. And then add my email address to your address book or your whitelist. This works differently for different email programs, unfortunately.

I know you can do this.

And now you’re all set! Enjoy the book and the newsletter!

Please know that I will only ever use your email address to send you cool stuff. I won’t sell it. I won’t send spam. I won’t annoy you. And of course, you can always unsubscribe. (I will miss you…)

Psst: Check out the Cloud Lands Saga if you haven’t already: Dorelle’s Journey

Here’s that sign-up form again. *wink*