Category Archives: Writing
Idea Questions
Again and again, I’m being asked how I come up with my ideas. And I do have more ideas than I can write in my entire lifetime. Thing is … for me, ideas are everywhere. It’s more a question of … Continue reading
I’m Proud to be an Indie Autor
From my posts you may have seen that I’m an indie author who self-publishes her books. And I’m proud of it. Yes, sometimes I see things that make me cringe. Yesterday, I was pointed to a book (which shall remain … Continue reading
The Pain of Wasted Story Telling
Actually, the word “telling” in the headline is what it is all about. Stories are not about telling at all. Stories are about allowing readers live through them. And not every published book accomplishes this. I’ve read (or tried to … Continue reading
Kindle Unlimited: A New World of Reading
Today, I just want to tell you about a huge light bulb that went on in my head when I was thinking about Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited. In case you haven’t heard, that’s a subscription offer for $ 9.99 a month. … Continue reading
Behold, they were women!
Imagine the Stone Age. What do you see? Well, the usual picture is men as hunters, inventors, protectors and artists. Because most of the scenes in the cave paintings show animals and hunting, it was thought that the artists were … Continue reading
Medieval Life … Includes Roundworm
As you all know, I write predominately fantasy. What you may not know is that I actually studied archaeology for a couple of years. So I have a good idea of how life really was back in those middle ages … Continue reading
Some More Writing Advice – Beginning, Middle, End
Sorry for the long silence. I’ve been working on my other business … and that took a lot of time and energy. Even so, I’ve been overwhelmed with the great responses to my short story ebook, “Sequoia”. Thanks go to … Continue reading
Was ich am Ebook-Marketing hasse
Ich bin ja dem Selbstveröffentlichen gar nicht abgeneigt und habe sogar gerade meinen nächsten Bestseller eine englischsprachige Kurzgeschichte zum Formatieren etc. in Auftrag gegeben. Daher schaue ich natürlich, was andere Autoren in diesem Bereich so treiben, um ihre Geschichten und … Continue reading
What I Hate When People Market Their Ebooks
As I’m thinking about self-publishing, I’m also trying to get a feel for how to market my future bestseller upcoming short story. And I’m stumbling on things that make me, as reader, rather angry. In fact, I think the last … Continue reading
Dying to Forget – Trish Marie Dawson
Neulich habe ich ja mal ein wenig über das Schreiben im Präsens hergezogen. Nun habe ich letzte Woche einen kleinen Roman im Präsens gelesen – und es hat ganz gut funktioniert. Das lag unter anderem an dem Ort, wo dieser … Continue reading