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Category Archives: English
The Trick with Short Stories
The other day, a friend called me and asked for help. She had been given an assignment: Write a short story. If you ask me, that’s a pretty tall assignment – and it was given in a foreign language class, … Continue reading
Behold! Another woman!
I found myself grinning wickedly when I discovered another archaeology article this morning. This one is about an Etruscan grave. When it was opened for the first time, it contained the remains of two people, a lance, a vase and … Continue reading
Behold, they were women!
Imagine the Stone Age. What do you see? Well, the usual picture is men as hunters, inventors, protectors and artists. Because most of the scenes in the cave paintings show animals and hunting, it was thought that the artists were … Continue reading
The 52-hertz-whale
I’m quite excited about finding an article about this whale on Wikipedia. Because this fellow is the inspiration for Pu’ukani’s Song. I don’t remember where I first read about him. Basically, they call him the loneliest whale in the world. … Continue reading
Did Wild Horses Survive in America, after all? Probably not.
Horses can make headlines. Even dead ones! Today, I found an article that is a few months old. It’s about the discovery of the skeletons of two horses and one donkey in California, obviously in ritual burial. Radio carbon dating … Continue reading
Winter Baby
Here I give you my new flash fiction tale, Winter Baby. Never mind the cryptic list at the top, that’s for the anthology we’re building. In fact, you can follow the link at the bottom to read more of the … Continue reading
Whales and Poison
Okay, this story is a little gross. Or maybe a lot. But because it’s about whales, I really have to share it here. It’s also about earwax. In the ear tubes of blue whales. Ugh. But you see, that ear … Continue reading
Posted in English, Uncategorized
Tagged Pu'ukani's Song, science, whale, whales, worldbuilding
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Call for Antagonists
I readily admit it: I have a hard time scheming. I am not a girl for intrigue. I could never hurt someone intentionally. And that makes it a bit more difficult for me to develop a credible antagonist. Yet the … Continue reading
Posted in English
Tagged antagonist, character, dragons, fantasy, heroes, worldbuilding
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Medieval Life … Includes Roundworm
As you all know, I write predominately fantasy. What you may not know is that I actually studied archaeology for a couple of years. So I have a good idea of how life really was back in those middle ages … Continue reading
Posted in English, Writing
Tagged archaeology, fantasy, medieval, parasites, Richard III, worldbuilding
Archaeology Tidbit – Ancient Meterorite Beads
The other day, I found some fun news on Science Daily, about beads created in Ancient Egypt. They were made from iron, and now scientists proved that they were actually hammered out and then rolled from meteorite material. How cool … Continue reading