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Category Archives: English
Schattenblüte – Die Verborgenen by Nora Melling
Now, this is a review of a book that is only available in German and Polish for now. I hope there will be an English language edition eventually. Still, I’d like to give you an idea what this novel is … Continue reading
You probably noticed nothing much happened here last week. There’s a simple reason why: I don’t know what to write about. There is nothing big happening with my writing at the moment. I’m procrastinating on turning my short story “Sequoia” … Continue reading
Do you have a BWF? A best writing friend? No, I don’t mean a beta reader which, of course, are also very important. No, a writing friend is someone who reads everything you write. Someone who offers thoughtful positive comments, … Continue reading
SFCD-Con and Reading Session
The Science Fiction Club Germany decided to have its yearly meeting in Kiel, last weekened. And of course, they did it as convention. The organizers, Marc and Anissa Heinrichs invited me to do a reading session there. So, on Saturday … Continue reading
Embers at Galdrilene, by A.D. Trosper
I found this book in a roundabout way: It was mentioned by a forum friend who linked it saying a friend from another forum had written it. Classical social marketing. I only knew it was about dragons, and had been … Continue reading
More About the Cat Tale
Today, as promised, my update on the alien cat tale. I’ve started writing it, and am quite a few pages into it now. And I have worked a bit more on the background. I had a lot of help with … Continue reading
The Books Are Here!
Originally, I wanted to give you the English version of the update about the alien cat stuff today – but then something much more exiting happened! Last week, the publisher of my co-authored novel sent email with the cover picture … Continue reading
A Book for Ideas
I’m fairly sure you’re familiar with this situation: You’re happily writing along in a story, and suddenly, an idea pops up. It’s completely univited, and actually a little annoying at this point. But ideas are precious. You want to hang … Continue reading
Der Mannwolf von Königsberg – Cover Picture
I’m so excited! I got mail today with the news the books are on their way to me. And I received the cover picture. I want to share it with you, so you can celebrate with me. “Der Mannwolf von … Continue reading
From Idea to Story
Today, I want to take you on a little journey. Thing is, I need a new story. In about three weeks, I have a reading slot at a Science Fiction Con in Kiel. So the story needs to be Science … Continue reading