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Category Archives: English
Some Writing Dos and Don’ts
The other day, I followed a link to a free KPD download from Amazon. The title sounded great, the summary was interesting, and there was nothing to loose in a free download. Or so I thought. I did lose something … Continue reading
Posted in English, Writing
Tagged present tense, rules, thee, thine, thou, thy, writing
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Frostengel by Tamina Berger
This is another one of those German books which might never get translated into English. I still hope you’ll enjoy hearing about Frostengel (Frost Angel). Julia and Theresa are members of the same class in school and best friends, even … Continue reading
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Der Mannwolf – First Chapter
Today, I would like to treat you to the first chapter of my (and Timo’s) novel “Der Mannwolf von Königsberg” (The Manwolf of Königsberg). It’s a rough translation, but I hope it gives you an idea of the flavor of … Continue reading
BuchmesseConvention 2012
Sadly, I don’t have any pictures. Thinking myself smart, I packed the charging cable for my camera and then went and forgot the camera itself. Even so, I want to tell you about an amazing weekend. For me, the BuCon … Continue reading
Trade in Lar Elien
I’ve been pondering how trade works in the world of Lar Elien. Most of the princedoms are quite self-sufficient, with people producing their own food and daily necessities basically near the home. They have their cattle and fields, people ply … Continue reading
Money Flows Towards the Author
Traditional publishing, self-publishing, or paying a publisher to create a book – there is lots to choose from. Many authors, especially those who just wrote “The End” under their first novel, have no idea what is the best for them. … Continue reading
Authors’ Dreams
What makes an author write? Simply wanting to tell a tale? The goal of creating a bestseller? Money? Well, it’s rarely money, most writers still need a day job. Yet there is something that makes us turn our tales into … Continue reading
A Smith Demands More
Have you had that happen? Does your subconscious plan your novels behind your back? At the moment, I have little time to spend with Lar Elien. My other life as therapist is claiming most of my attention right now. That’s … Continue reading
Intricacies of Modern Book Marketing
Yesterday, I posted about how frustrated I am that Amazon still isn’t carrying our novel, “Der Mannwolf von Königsberg”. This simple fact makes marketing the novel rather difficult. (And it’s one reason I haven’t posted much about it.) I admit, … Continue reading
The Sabre-toothed Cat
There are few animals that can fire up a child’s imagination as quickly as the sabre-toothed cat. When they learn about the ice-age fauna, they are less impressed by the mammoth or the wooly rhinoceros, no, it’s the sabre-toothed cat … Continue reading