This month’s progress report is full of new beginnings – and I think the picture above (Valheim, as usual) illustrates that bright feeling of hope on a new day. My character stands at a place where three biomes intersect (Meadows, Black Forest and Mountain), and that’s also representative of where I feel that I’m standing.
So yes, there is lots to report.
Writing Progress Report
I’ve actually written more in the first two weeks of August than in any other month for about a year. I have quite a few new ideas for a reason (more on that below), and I’ve been more inspired and happy with my writing than I have been in a long time.
Maybe I’m actually coming out of burnout. That would be a very nice thing. Even so, I’m trying to be careful and not push myself hard. I know where that leads.
Right now, I’m writing the 8th Wolf book (something I never thought I’d do). I’m also thinking about Penumbra because I want to write Leander’s story next, before I pivot back to the Winds & Pillars. I have so many ideas, it is actually costing me sleep at times.
Which is a good thing, and also not a good thing!
Winds & Pillars Progress Report
Right now, they are on break. I still need to publish the paperback of Sun Burns (sorry, that completely slipped my mind), so I’ll let you know when that’s out. There are some formatting issues that bother my slightly OCD mind, and that completely pulled me off track. It’s on the to-do list now, though!
Moon’s story is next, and yes, I have ideas. I just need a bit of a break, and people have been waiting for more Wolves. (Impatiently, I might add.)
In case you missed it last month, there is a quick live-reading of South Breaks on YouTube, on the channel of Katherine D. Graham. I’m talking a little about South Breaks and read Chapter 1 and parts of Chapter 3.
Live Reading By SPFBOX Author Hannah Steenbock: ‘South Breaks’
Wolves Progress Report
I’m about halfway on A Wolf’s Hacker, word count wise. The story is now starting to get into the action, and Shane and Dylan have actually met in real life, after being online friends for quite a while. Yes, there have been surprises…
Writer Brain has given me a bit of a download for the plot, and for once, the showdown will involve a third person (who might well become the MC for Wolves #9, if things go well). I won’t say more, but it’s great fun to actually see this story develop from a simple idea to a complex tale.
No ETA just yet, but I do hope to have it out in fall, possibly October.
The Wolves are definitely my best-selling series, although the market niche for shifters with low spice and no alphas is small. It’s still big enough for me!
Penumbra Progress Report
I’m having fun with the worldbuilding because it’s set in the near future. I have plans for most of the big nations of today – and they will not stand unchanged. The climate catastrophe as well as the rise of fascism will leave a mark. Watching politics unfold these days is adding fuel to my imagination.
Truth is, I can’t wait to jump into this story, but for this month, at least, the Wolves rule my writing time.
Valheim Progress Report
Yeah, I’m adding this, a little tongue in cheek, because my brain loves that game. And yes, there is definitely progress to report.
Both my Main and my Twink have defeated Moder, the Mountain boss, and are moving into the Plains. I mean that quite literally, because the new plants need to be grown in Plains soil, which means securing areas and building fortified farms.
In even better news, I found out how to invite people to my game (Twink) which is a huge breakthrough. Friend helped with the Moder fight, mostly because I felt too insecure to take her on myself. Now I’m learning to kill Lox, and that… that is also a good step forward. (For those who don’t know: Lox are massive creatures that deal both direct and area damage, very hard to kill. But they can also be tamed.)
Life Progress Report
I’m happier. I’m back to walking in the park (huge thing), Writer Brain is engaged and I’m really enjoying my AO3 posting.
In fact, I’ve basically decided to shift my marketing (which always felt like a chore). I’m already having good results with my Mastodon posting, so I’m going to call posting there marketing and just keep loving it. I’m finding friends and fans there, and that’s so uplifting.
The biggest difference, however, comes from my AO3 serials. I’m only posting twice a week, once for every story, but just having a little feedback and regular dopamine hits from seeing people reading them is building up motivation. Which in turn is revving up Writer Brain.
So you will all benefit from me falling in love with AO3, by getting to read new stories for free. And I benefit by sliding back into the writing joy that I have missed for so long. Win-win in my book!
Here’s a link if you want to see what’s slumbering on my hard drive: AO3
Ember Progress Report Newsletter Reminder
As usual, I’m closing out with the reminder to sign up to my newsletter. It really is only going out once a month (can’t handle it more often), with this progress report, a coupon for my store, some awesome book deals, and of course, the Ember Tale.
Right now, I’m actually serializing a little story about poor Spark who has lost his flame.
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