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Author Archives: Hannah Steenbock
Flash Friday: The Summoning
Well, demons are the favorite playthings of some summoners. Not all of them, as you can see. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Carefully, Daron drew the pentacle with holy chalk. Then he lit the candles one by one, closing the circle with the calling … Continue reading
Flash Friday: My Friend
Water had always been my friend. Until today. Today, it had become my enemy. Alone in the sea, my boat sinking to the bottom, I knew that water would kill me. It was just a matter of time. For now, … Continue reading
Flash Friday: Alchemist’s Dream
He was so close. The residue in the glass had gleamed in such a way he knew making gold was in his grasp. Once again he mixed fluids, heated them gently, stirred them diligently. This time, he would add one … Continue reading
Flash Friday: Perfect Murder
The mud moved, heaved and bubbled. Parts of it solidified, grew, rose from the murky depth. Round bulbs elongated, turned into a head, and arms. The creature rose further, stretched into the air and finally stood on its own two … Continue reading
Flash Friday: Gryphon Harvest
(Yep, it’s Saturday. These things happen. Posting a story anyway.) It was hot in the steppe. High buttes reached up to the sky, dotting the steppe. Selina had come to climb up to the top of one. Only here did … Continue reading
Flash Friday: Mage Wars
I couldn’t believe my eyes when Mom threw our bedding into the big wagon, while Dad hitched the horses to it in great haste. “But… but it’s summer. We don’t travel in summer.” I gestured towards the fields. “We do … Continue reading
Flash Friday: The Halfwit
“Rain!” his high voice wailed. “But, Dayda, the rain season is over. See, the sky is blue.” “Bad rain!” Dayda looked frantic. I didn’t know what to do with him. He was the family halfwit, and today he was in … Continue reading
Flash Friday: The Winner takes All
This final duel would determine who would become archmage of Tsaranval. Both Saniral and Ysanna had proven their might as mages, but only one of them could rule this realm. Saniral won the draw of first strike. Ysanna simply smoothed … Continue reading
Flash Friday: The Reward
Okay. I’m late. So what, I’m still going to let you have some Flash fun. And I bet in a week or two, it no longer matters. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Reward The last enemy fell, slain by the swift sword of … Continue reading
The Pain of Wasted Story Telling
Actually, the word “telling” in the headline is what it is all about. Stories are not about telling at all. Stories are about allowing readers live through them. And not every published book accomplishes this. I’ve read (or tried to … Continue reading