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Winds of Destiny - Epic Adventure -
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The Franssisi Four Chronicles - A hot, steamy SF-Adventure -
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Author Archives: Hannah Steenbock
The Aware Author – Weather
I believe we have an innate sense for weather. That’s because we humans used to spend most of our lives outside, even though the first houses were constructed in the neolithic, thousands of years ago. However, we tend not to … Continue reading
Excitement and Danger
I’m thinking about feeling disappointed. And feeling grateful at the same time. You see, in the last three days, Germany has been hit by many, many thunderstorms. Continuously. Except where I live. And I would have liked some celestial fireworks. … Continue reading
The Aware Author – Kindness
It was just a little thing, really. You see, this morning, I walked to work, as usual. It was just a normal day, no rain, no wind, overcast gray sky, and with normal temperatures. A day so normal that it … Continue reading
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Musings – Meeting People
We writers are a solitary bunch. And that’s normal. I even suspect that most writers are HSPs, and that means we need rest and silence and quiet time on our own. What better way to spend that time than writing … Continue reading
Spoon Theory
You may have seen people saying things on social media like: “I ran out of spoons.” or “Sending you extra spoons.” And maybe you thought that this sounds strange and like some insider joke. Actually, it isn’t a joke. In … Continue reading
HSP stands for Highly Sensitive Person, a term coined by Elaine N. Aron in 1996 (that’s the cover of her book over there). And at the core, it simply means we have a highly sensitive nervous system, compared to “normal” … Continue reading
My Bed is my Castle
Today, I spent a lot of time in bed. Yep, that lazy. Except I had a good reason. I’ve been fighting a nasty, lingering cold. And I was still frazzled from a week with many demands and actions. And I … Continue reading
The Thing about Energy
Yesterday, I had no energy left to do more than think of blogging, and then disregarding the idea. Because it was a really busy day. Now, you could argue that every day is a busy day for authors, and you’d … Continue reading
Some Thoughts About Magic
As you know, I write fantasy. Which, of course, often contains magic. (Yes, there is magic in The Cloud Lands Saga. It’s just not very obvious.) And I have argued often with other writers who insisted that I had to … Continue reading