I’m thinking about feeling disappointed. And feeling grateful at the same time.
You see, in the last three days, Germany has been hit by many, many thunderstorms. Continuously.
Except where I live.
And I would have liked some celestial fireworks. Because thunderstorms are exciting.
So I have been watching the radar online, I had a page with weatherwarnings open, and they all told me on thing: You are not getting anything. Not you. Nope.
And yet, I’m grateful.
Because excitement is one thing, damage is something entirely different.
Because four people died on Sunday alone, during those storms. Towns were devastated.
And it feels very weird to want excitement, and yet see how it can go badly wrong.
This time, it was “just” the weather. And my pleasure in thunderstorms is harmless and doesn’t cause any trouble, since I cannot conjure any. I can just sit and wait until one happens. (I suppose I could move to a place where they happen more often.)
Some people, however, seek excitement in dangerous ways. And risk not just their own death but that of others. Racing in streets. Balancing on railway waggons. Drifting into crime…
And that’s when excitement becomes truly dangerous.
Let’s keep that for the books, okay?